
Dan Is Not On Fire (A Youtube Person)

This is the actual first thing that came up when I Google Image
searched "Dan Is Not On Fire".

I don't watch Youtube videos: that is a statement that would have been true yesterday. Except now, it would be a lie, because today I watched literally four or five hours of Dan Howell's videos.

I have historically avoided people who made Youtube videos of themselves talking about things primarily because I get very bad second-hand embarrassment, and also (I assumed) your average person making Youtube videos (vlogger?) would be someone I had little in common with?

But I saw some gifs of Dan's (danisnotonfire's? what is the etiquette here) videos about fandom around Tumblr, and I was intrigued because I hardly ever see guys talking about fandom, so I clicked. Miraculously, I didn't experience any second-hand embarrassment (because his videos are relevant and funny and well-edited), just laughed so hard I kept accidentally stabbing myself with the needle I was sewing with.

Anyway, instead of second-hand embarrassment, I've developed a horrible crush on him, which might actually be worse, because now it's first-hand embarrassment. For myself. Because I've just posted that on the internet. (But in the spirit of being awkward for an audience! It's thematic!)

In any case Dan is handsome and talks about his life, and if you (like me) are interested in men but don't have one to be handsome at you and talk about his life on a regular basis, you can (like me!) enjoy watching Dan do this, except with the bonus that he is probably funnier and knows more about slash fanfiction than your average Dating Prospect, and the downside that he's a celebrity on the internet.

Seriously, though: his videos are interesting and funny, and the personality he shows in them is charming.Solid comedy! I spent the entire evening giggling and snorting unattractively! Also, I was delighted to see that he & I agree on the meaning of life.

Oh, and he's British. (What I'm An Uncouth American Who Is Charmed By British Accents Okay)

Grade: I'm not going to grade a person, okay, that's weird. You read the review, you know what I think!
Watch: danisnotonfire @ youtube
Disclaimer: Internet celebrity is weird!! I imagine being "internet famous" for a video blog is even weirder, seeing as people are fans of both your content and your face. Watching someone's videos doesn't mean you know them! I Don't Know Dan Howell (Though Obviously I Would Not Object Because He Seems Lovely).

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