What's This All About, Then?
As you might have suspected, "Aimee Reviews Things" is a review blog, for things. Any-things. Every-things? In it, Aimee Fleck (illustrator/generally charming lady) will be telling you all about her experience with pretty much anything she encounters, in case you had any interest in encountering them but wanted a second opinion. Somewhere between a taste-maker and a reviewer, she will tell you what's worth a look and what's not, and why, with the reassurance that she already tried it, so if it's awful, she would probably know.
Portrait of the reviewer as a drunk student.
But Why Should You Trust Her?
or; What Credentials Does She Have For This Sort Of Thing?
Aside from being a human being generally in possession of sound mind, she is both well-known to have good taste (by her friends, references upon request) and also lots of opinions. She is always up-to-date on all Fashionable Trends (for fat nerds), decorates her own apartment, and bakes a mean apple pie. What more could you possibly ask for??
Is She Getting Paid For This?
Nope! All items purchased with her own (limited) funds, all reviews contain the Honest Truth (or as close to it as anybody's Opinion can get).